Populon - Ease your day

Populon membership tool introduction

A man peeping out from notebook back

Hello to all active community and club members!

Populon is a user-friendly service that simplifies managing member data, event planning, and invoicing. Plus, your membership card is always accessible via the mobile app. Bring your community’s operations into one place and make everyday life smoother!

Effortless membership and event management

Populon is a versatile and modern membership management service that offers solutions for handling member information, organizing events, and maintaining shared calendars. With the service, your community can easily and securely manage events, schedules, and invoicing. Efficient communication and clear information flow keep members updated on important matters.

Populon streamlines daily operations and helps organize your community’s activities seamlessly – whether it’s an association, club, or any other group. Choose Populon and make member management, event planning, and communication effortless!

News and calendar in real time
Participation fees and membership fees conveniently
Events, news, activities, contact information – all handy in one place
Always with you in the mobile app

Make your day smoother – join Populon here


Populon membership tool services

Up-to-date news service

News and bulletins to your members and colleagues is fast and easy with Populon. Members can subscribe to notifications of newsletters and events directly on their own phones. The group and community administrator can also create targeted bulletins and news according to their roles, or they can be available to everyone.

Event calendar always with you

From the event calendar, you can keep track of individual events, such as meetings or games, and recurring events, such as training sessions. Calendar view shows you all your own events. For example, you find your team’s rehearsals, annual meetings, and performances on your event calendar. Through the calendar, you can also register for public events organized by communities using Populon.

As an administrator, you can set an event to appear on the calendar for all members or for a specific audience. The target group can be, for example, coaches or a specific team. You can attach various features to a calendar event, such as registration and payment of participation fees.

A group of smiling little girls in a swimming pool

Membership register up to date

The electronic membership register is easy to set up and maintain. The member register is stored in the secure Populon service, you no longer need paper folders or files on anyone’s own computer. Administrator rights can be assigned to more than one person, so the member registry is the responsibility of more than one person.

In Populon, members can be assigned different roles and attributes. In a sports club, the role can be, for example, the team leader, coach or goalkeeper, the chairman of the association, the treasurer or another responsible participant / member. The feature can be, for example, the game number or the size of the shirt - you can customize the features to suit your needs. In a housing association, hunting club, reading district or road maintenance association, for example, the roles and characteristics of members are defined in accordance with Community rules.

Participation fees and membership fees

Populon provides you with an easy way to collect membership and participation fees. Tracking payments and sending payment reminders are also included in the service. The payment service is charged according to the price list.

The rowing team practices on the river.

Access with only one ID

You only need one username and password – and membership management can be handled even from the home couch.

You can select all the items you want to track in one view.

The unified logic of using the service makes participating in the activities of different communities more pleasant. It speeds things up and improves access to information.

man peeping out from notebook back

How to sign up for Populon

  1. Pen on a paper sheet. Register
    as a user
  2. Plus sign on top of a person outline. Set up your
  3. Three persons outline. Create a group
  4. Arrow pointing to the right. Start using

Join here for Populon

Create your group – fill in your email address and chosen password.

Basic use of the service is free of charge.

Install the Populon app from Google Play or the App Store on your phone.
Keep group news and daily activities up to date with Populon.